Saturday, January 1, 2011

Self Defense

First and foremost Happy New Year guys – hope 2011 kicks ass.

Lately I have been posting the link to my blog on different Motorcycle forums to try and increase my audience. Most of them I have been lurking on for a while just haven’t posted on.

The blog may not be 1984 or Crime and Punishment or The Godfather or even Clerks but I am proud of my stories and obviously want people to read them, otherwise what’s the fucking point?

So I have been advertising the blog on bike forums and trying to get some cats interested and the first response, nine time out of ten, has been “SPAM”. Now I’m not posting the link in the main forum, I post it off in the “Off Topic” or the funny posts sub forum and I know there’s at least 2 laughs in the car crash story.

The exact message I post is:

Lately I have been put my thoughts to paper so to speak and have come up with my first blog. Reflections From The Back Of A Motorcycle.

It’s a blog about riding bikes, getting hit by a car, shit that pisses me off and other observations.

The link is:

Check it out, post some comments and click an ad or 2 but let me know what you think.


I posted the link because it’s something I’m proud of and hopefully some cats get a laugh or 2 when the read some of the stories or if nothing else post a comment with something constructive to say or even click an ad so I get 10 cents for the effort.

Of course I’m advertising, I’m advertising my own creation because NO ONE else will and the only pay off I want is some cat sitting at home or work and getting a laugh or saying “I get it” or “I understand what the dude means”.

If I get a comment or even an ad clicked then bonus but above all else I want it to be read by others. Otherwise it’s just jerking off without cuming.

So if you don’t like the blog then that’s cool, I get it, it’s not for everyone but if you don’t like, then don’t like it for the content or style or even the fucking font but don’t dislike it because I want the highest number of readers possible and post the link every chance I can get.

Bottom line – If you don’t want to click the fucking link – DON’T CLICK IT. It’s not rocket surgery.


  1. Happy New Year to you. Keep on writing. Its good for the soul

  2. YAY first comment.

    Thanks Anon. Happy New Year
